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서브비주얼 서브비주얼


A cord blood bank that safeguards the healthy happiness of
families with its technological expertise and stability.


A family-oriented cord blood banking dedicated to

safeguarding the healthy happiness of families through

CELLONTECH's technological expertise and stability.

  • What is
    cord blood banking?

    What is
    cord blood

    Cord blood is stored in anticipation of a potential treatment for various incurable diseases that may arise in the future for the newborn baby and their family. It is utilized as a therapeutic measure not only for leukemia but also for other refractory diseases.

  • 베이비셀 베이비셀 로고

    Babycell베이비셀 로고

    Established in 2002, Babycell is a customer-centric family cord blood banking equipped with a system that securely stores the cord blood entrusted by clients, based on its own research, development, and production of cell therapy and regenerative medicine.

    Particularly, it professionally stores cord blood collected during the childbirth process for the purpose of disease treatment in newborns or within the family lineage.

  • The Values of Babycell

    The Values of Babycell

    • Reliability

      Approved by the Ministry of Health and Welfare as family cord blood banking, Babycell is recognized for its suitability in cord blood management through regular inspections and evaluations conducted every two years.

    • Expertise

      Babycell 5C Program

      • 1C : Complete SOP (Systematic Quality Management)

        We conduct fair and quality inspections throughout the entire process, from umbilical cord blood collection to storage, in accordance with the 'Act on Management and Research of Cord Blood' and guidelines set by the Cord Blood Transplantation Study Group (COBLT) in the United States.

      • 2C : Closed Process (Closed System)

        We operate a safe system that prevents umbilical cord blood contamination by ensuring that the entire process remains isolated from the external environment.

      • 3C : Clean Facility (GMP Cleanroom)

        Through the operation of a clean system, we meticulously maintain a sterile environment suitable for cell processing and storage.

      • 4C : Computerized Control Storage

        We employ real-time monitoring through electronic control, based on the cell control technology and experience of our RMS, to ensure the safe storage of cells.

      • 5C : Cryopreservation Bioscience

        Cord blood nucleated cells are safely stored in a dedicated liquid nitrogen tank for umbilical cord blood storage, maintaining temperatures below -196 degrees Celsius in compliance with domestic and international standards.

    • Safety

      Liability insurance & disaster preparedness

      • Cord blood liability insurance

        In preparation for disasters, we have established a disaster preparedness system through agreements with specialized transportation and inspection companies for cord blood, allowing us to store it in safe locations (off-site) during emergencies.

      • Establishment of disaster preparedness system

        We have implemented a disaster preparedness system that enables the safe storage of blood products in secure locations (Baran) in the event of emergencies or disasters. This system is achieved through collaborations with specialized transportation and inspection companies in the field of blood products.